Fellowship and Awards

Indira Gandhi Fellowship


The State Government through EPCO may award one fellowship for research studies in the field of environmental conservation and management. The Fellowship shall be available only to residents of MP who are below 40 years for which the Fellowship is to be granted. The Fellowship shall be awarded for a period of two years with a monthly stipend of Rs. 25,000/- and consolidated contingency grant of Rs. 1,00,000/- for actual expenses on secretarial assistance, travel, purchase of books, stationary and other such items.


For receiving application, an advertisement is given in various daily newspapers, advertisement also uploaded in EPCO website and letter send to govt. colleges & universities of Madhya Pradesh. After a preliminary scrutiny of application, the eligible applications shall be placed before a Jury appointed by State Government. Selection of candidate for fellowship is based research proposal & presentation of the candidate before Jury committee. The recommendation of Jury for the fellowship will be send to Standing Sanction Committee (SSC) of the State Government for approval.


Last Updated On:06 Oct, 2021