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Hon.Chief Minister, MP

Dr Mohan Yadav

Hon.Chief Minister, MP

Director General, EPCO

Dr. Navneet Mohan Kothari

Director General, EPCO

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As humankind faces unprecedented environmental challenges due to multiple stress factors, importance of a well thought out actionable planning gets all the more pronounced. That said, an efficient environmental planning turns a spate of challenges into a set of opportunities. In its farsighted approach, GoMP seized the moment in 1981 and established a pioneering institute named Environmental Planning & Co-ordination Organization (EPCO) as an opportunity to embed environmental planning into statewide development process. EPCO was founded on World Environment Day, June 5, 1981, as a registered society, under the aegis of Department of Environment to act as the advisory body to the Government of Madhya Pradesh on environmental matters.Over the years, EPCO…

Swachta Action Plan

"Swachhta Action Plan is a milestone initiative in mainstreaming Swachhta elements across all sectors of the Government in an elaborate, accountable, and sustained manner to realize the Swachh Bharat of Prime Ministers vision and Gandhijis dream."

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Swachta Action Plan

What is MoEFCC Scheme ?

"The ministry is responsible for planning, promoting, coordinating, and overseeing the implementation of environmental and forestry programmes in the country. The main activities undertaken by the ministry include conservation and survey of the flora of India and fauna of India, forests and other wilderness areas; prevention and control of pollution; afforestation, and land degradation mitigation. It is responsible for the administration of the national parks of India"

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What is MoEFCC Scheme ?

National Nature Camping Programme

"The National Nature Camps Programme is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Forests in Environment Education, which is aimed at creating greater awareness, understanding and empathy of children with and for the environment. Through this initiative it is hoped that every child who goes through middle school (classes VI to VIII) will get at least one opportunity for a 2-3 day camping experience during these years. The ‘Nature experience’ for children and teachers has huge potential to trigger their sensitivity towards."

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National Nature Camping Programme

National Green Corps (NGC)

"National Green Corps is a programme of the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Government of India covering around 1,20,000 schools in India with NGC School Eco Clubs.These NGC Students participate in activities related to Biodiversity Conservation, Water Conservation, Energy Conservation, Waste Management and Land Use Planning and Resource Management. Each of the 250 districts in India has about 250 NGC Eco Clubs. These NGC Eco Clubs are provided with an annual grant of Rs2500. Each of the Indian State has a State Nodal Officer."

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National Green Corps (NGC)

